Wrist Circles
Rep Range
Time Based
Begin by standing tall, feet shoulder-width apart and shoulders relaxed. Lift one arm straight out, almost at shoulder height. Your hand should be extended with palm facing the ground. Use your opposite hand to gently support the extended arm by placing it around the elbow area. This will provide stability and ensure the motion is isolated to the wrist. Start rotating your wrist inward in a full circle, feeling the full range of motion. After completing the inward rotation, reverse the direction and rotate your wrist outward. The movement should be smooth and controlled, focusing on mobility and gentle stretching of the wrist. Once done with one side, gently lower your arm and switch to the other side, repeating the same procedure.
Common Mistakes
Avoid using force or rapid movements. The goal is to achieve a gentle stretch and increased mobility, not to strain the wrist. Also, ensure you're not moving your arm; the motion should be isolated to the wrist.
Take a deep breath in as you start the inward rotation, and exhale as you rotate outward. Continuous, calm breathing will help in relaxation and can increase the effectiveness of the stretch.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area