Wide Upright Row
Rep Range
Hypertrophy/Strength : 8-12||Endurance/Hypertrophy : 12-16
Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in the knees for stability. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms fully extended down in front of you, palms facing your body. Your hands should start at approximately shoulder-width apart. To initiate the movement, pull the dumbbells upwards in a diagonal direction, leading with your elbows. As you lift, your hands will naturally move apart, following that diagonal path, making the row 'wide.' Your elbows should always stay higher than your wrists during this movement, and they should flare out to the sides as the dumbbells are raised. At the peak of the movement, the dumbbells should be at or just below chest level, with your elbows pointing diagonally outwards. Slowly lower the weights back down to the starting position to complete one repetition.
Common Mistakes
Avoid using momentum or jerky motions to lift the weights. The lift should be executed in a controlled manner. Don't pull the weights up too high, as this can exert excessive strain on the shoulder joints. Keeping a straight back and engaged core is crucial to prevent any potential strain on the lower back.
Inhale as you lower the dumbbells and exhale as you raise them in the diagonal path. Proper breathing will ensure that your muscles receive the oxygen they need during the exercise's more demanding phase. The Wide Upright Row is effective for engaging the deltoids, especially the lateral (side) portion, and the trapezius in the upper back. The specific path and grip adjustment emphasize various parts of these muscle groups, providing a comprehensive workout.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Traps, Rhomboids, Middle Shoulders
Secondary Muscles
Front Shoulders, Rear Shoulders, Teres Minor, Infraspinatus, Biceps
Tertiary Muscles
Teres Major