Sumo Stretch
Rep Range
Time Based
Initiate the stretch by positioning yourself with your feet set wider than shoulder-width apart, mirroring the stance of a sumo wrestler. Your toes should be angled slightly outward. As you bend your knees to lower your body into a deep squat, ensure you're maintaining a straight back and an uplifted chest. Place your hands on your knees during the descent. This not only aids in balance but also helps to gently intensify the stretch. By using your elbows, you can subtly press out on the inside of your knees, thereby deepening the stretch in your inner thighs. Your gaze can remain forward or can be directed slightly upward. Remember to keep your knees in line with your toes, ensuring they don’t buckle inwards.
Common Mistakes
One key area to be vigilant about is ensuring your knees don't overshoot your toes. This can lead to undue stress on the knee joints. Another aspect to note is the curvature of your back. Ensure it stays straight and avoid letting it round. When you're in the sumo squat position, focus on evenly distributing your weight across both feet, making certain your heels stay grounded. If tight calves or ankles cause your heels to lift, you might consider using a yoga block or folded towel for additional support underneath.
As you transition into the sumo squat, take a deep inhalation. While holding the pose, strive to maintain calm and rhythmic breathing. With every exhale, allow yourself to settle deeper into the stretch, while with each inhale, focus on maintaining posture. To exit the stretch, take a deep breath out and use the strength of your legs, pushing through your heels, to return to a standing position.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Hip Flexors, Adductors