Squat Shuffle
Rep Range
Time Based
Start with your feet placed wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outwards. Sink into a semi-squat position, ensuring your back is straight, chest lifted, and knees bent at about a 45-degree angle. Your hands should be pressed together in front of you, resembling a praying position, assisting in balance. From this position, initiate a shuffle to the right, covering a considerable distance with each step. After two significant steps to the right, continue your momentum and shuffle two steps to the left, covering the same distance as before. This creates a continuous back-and-forth shuffle without stopping in the middle. The emphasis should be on smooth and controlled movements, always maintaining the squat depth during the shuffle and covering a significant amount of ground with each step.
Common Mistakes
Allowing the knees to collapse inwards or pushing them too far past the toes can lead to undue stress on the joints and possible injury. Losing the squat depth or straightening up during the shuffle diminishes the workout's efficacy. Relying too much on the upper body for momentum, instead of focusing on the lower body and core engagement, can lead to an inefficient shuffle.
Inhale deeply before starting the shuffle to the right. As you shuffle those two steps, exhale gradually. Take another inhalation during your shuffle to the left, and exhale slowly through those steps. This continuous breathing pattern ensures proper muscle oxygenation and helps sustain stamina during the back-and-forth movement.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Cardiovascular System
Secondary Focus Area
Lower Body, Core, Shoulders