Squat & Reach Hop
Rep Range
Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width, toes pointed out. Start with your hands together. As you lower into the squat, aim to touch the ground with your fingertips. Drive through your heels and explode into a hop, reaching your fingertips towards the sky. Land softly, immediately descending into the next squat.
Common Mistakes
Avoid landing with locked knees. Ensure your knees don't go beyond your toes during the squat and don't let them collapse inward.
Inhale as you squat down, touching the ground. Exhale as you powerfully hop and reach skyward.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, Shoulders, Calves
Secondary Muscles
Adductors, Erector Spinae
Tertiary Muscles