Squat Knee To Elbow
Rep Range
Start with feet hip-width apart, toes slightly pointed out. As you lower into the squat, ensure your weight is on your heels and your knees don't extend past your toes. As you rise from the squat, lift one knee upwards towards the elbow on the same side. Alternate the knee raise with each rep, engaging your obliques.
Common Mistakes
Avoid rushing the movement; control enhances effectiveness. A shallow squat lessens the exercise's benefit. Avoid excessive leaning when lifting the knee.
Inhale during the squat descent. Exhale as you raise the knee to the elbow.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Quads, Glutes, Hip Flexors, Adductors
Secondary Muscles
Hamstrings, Erector Spinae
Tertiary Muscles
Core, Calves