Slow Negative Close Chest Press
Rep Range
Lay on the ground holding the dumbbells so they touch each other, with palms facing each other. Press the dumbbells straight upwards, ensuring they remain in contact throughout the motion. Once at the top, begin a slow and controlled negative descent, maintaining the contact between the dumbbells until they're just above the chest. Press them up again and repeat.
Common Mistakes
Allowing the dumbbells to separate during the movement. Rushing the negative descent. Not ensuring a smooth and controlled motion throughout.
Exhale as you press the dumbbells up. Inhale deeply and slowly during the controlled negative descent. Exhale again as you prepare for the next press.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Middle Chest
Secondary Muscles
Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Shoulders, Serratus Anterior
Tertiary Muscles
Traps, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboids, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Teres Minor, Latissimus Dorsi, Lower Back, Erector Spinae, Biceps, Triceps