Single Leg Seated Hamstring Stretch
One Side
Other Side
Rep Range
Time Based
Start by sitting on the ground with both legs extended straight in front of you. Bend one knee and place the sole of that foot against the inside thigh of the straightened leg. Ensure the extended leg remains straight and not bent, with the toes pinned towards the sky. Keeping your spine straight, hinge at the hips and lean forward towards the extended foot. Extend your arms to touch or hold onto the foot or ankle, but ensure you're bending from the hips and not rounding the spine. This stretch mainly targets the hamstrings, calves, and lower back.
Common Mistakes
Avoid rounding the back and reaching for the foot with a curved spine; the goal is to maintain a straight back and hinge from the hips. If flexibility doesn't allow you to touch the foot, it's okay to reach towards the shin or knee. Don't force the stretch or push into pain. It should feel like a gentle pull, not painful. Also, ensure the extended leg doesn't bend; it should stay straight throughout the stretch.
Take a deep breath in as you sit up tall. As you exhale, hinge forward from the hips to deepen the stretch. Hold the position for a few breaths, trying to relax the hamstring more with each exhale. On your inhales, lengthen the spine, and on exhales, see if you can gently deepen the stretch.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area