Seated Curls
Rep Range
Hypertrophy/Strength : 8-12||Endurance/Hypertrophy : 12-16
While seated on a sturdy armless chair, hold dumbbells by your sides with palms facing away. Rest your elbows and upper arms against your torso. Curl the weights upward, contracting the biceps. Lower the dumbbells with control back to the starting position.
Common Mistakes
Ensure that only the forearms move; the upper arms should remain stationary against the torso. Avoid using back or shoulders to assist in the lift.
Inhale as you lower the dumbbells; exhale as you curl them up. Repeat.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Biceps (Short Head)
Secondary Muscles
Biceps (Long Head), Brachialis, Forearm
Tertiary Muscles