Rep Range
Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart. Extend both arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height, palms facing the floor. This will be your starting position. Initiate the scissors motion by bringing your arms forward so that one arm crosses just over the other at about chest level. Ensure a controlled motion to maximize muscle engagement. Return the arms back to the starting position, then repeat the motion with the other arm crossing over top. Alternate this movement, resembling the action of scissors, hence the name. Remember to keep the shoulders relaxed and avoid shrugging them. Your core should remain engaged throughout the movement, providing stability to the upper body.
Common Mistakes
Raising the shoulders or tensing the neck can lead to discomfort or potential strain. Always keep the shoulders relaxed and down. Using fast, uncontrolled motions can also reduce the exercise's effectiveness and potentially lead to injury.
Inhale as you open your arms to the sides. Exhale as you bring them forward and cross them over one another. This Arm Variation of the Scissors exercise is a fantastic way to strengthen the shoulders and tone the upper body without the need for equipment. The motion also helps improve shoulder mobility and flexibility.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles
Traps, Serratus Anterior, Rhomboids, Teres Major, Teres Minor, Infraspinatus