Pronated Fingers Down Pull
Rep Range
Time Based
While standing with feet hip-width apart and maintaining good posture, extend one arm straight out in front of you at shoulder height. Your palm should be down (pronated) and your fingers extended. With your opposite hand, gently grasp the fingers of the extended hand, pulling them gently down and slightly back towards your body. This will induce a stretch along the top side of your forearm and wrist. After holding this position for a few moments and feeling the stretch, gently release and shift to the other side.
Common Mistakes
Avoid jerking or pulling the fingers too aggressively, as this could result in unnecessary strain or injury. The arm being stretched should remain straight, but make sure not to lock the elbow. When guiding the fingers downward, make sure it's a gentle pull to avoid hyperextending the wrist.
Breathe in deeply as you present your arm and turn your hand. As you use the other hand to guide the fingers down, exhale slowly, allowing the stretch to deepen. Sustain a steady, calm breathing rhythm as you hold the position. Inhale again upon releasing the stretch and exhale as you transition to the next side.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Wrist, Biceps