Plie Squat Arm Circles
Rep Range
Assume a stance wider than hip-width, toes pointed out. Start with arms raised overhead, hands almost touching. Lower into a plie squat, ensuring knees are in line with toes. As you descend, simultaneously circle your arms downwards until fingertips touch the ground. Rise and circle arms back up to starting position.
Common Mistakes
Overarching the back when reaching arms overhead. Not aligning knees with toes. Bouncing or using momentum instead of controlled movement.
Inhale while descending into the squat and circling arms down. Exhale when rising and returning arms to the starting position.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Quads, Glutes, Shoulders
Secondary Muscles
Hamstrings, Adductors, Erector Spinae
Tertiary Muscles
Core, Calves