Lower Back Stretch
Rep Range
Time Based
Begin by sitting on a yoga mat with both legs extended in front of you. Place your hands on the mat behind you for added stability. Bend one knee and place the foot of that leg on the ground outside the opposite extended leg. Using the arm on the same side as the bent knee, place the elbow on the inside of the bent knee. Gently use the elbow to push against the knee while rotating your upper body in the opposite direction. As you do so, you'll feel a twist in your lower back and mid-back regions. Your free hand remains behind you, acting as a stabilizer and assisting in deepening the stretch by providing a gentle push. After holding the position for a desired duration, slowly return to the starting position and repeat the process for the other side.
Common Mistakes
Avoid hunching the shoulders or collapsing the chest. Keep the spine elongated throughout the stretch. Do not force the rotation or apply excessive pressure with the elbow.
Inhale deeply in the starting position. As you rotate and twist, exhale slowly. Hold the stretch on a calm breath, then inhale as you return to the starting position.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Lower Back, Spinal