Low Plank Arm Reaches
Rep Range
Time Based
Starting in a low plank position with your elbows directly beneath your shoulders and forearms flat on the ground, engage your core to achieve stability. As you reach one arm forward, allow a slight rotation in your torso, but maintain the primary engagement of your core to prevent excessive rotation. After extending one arm as far as you comfortably can, bring it back to the starting position, then rotate and reach with the other arm. While a slight rotation is incorporated, ensure the motion remains controlled and purposeful, emphasizing core engagement.
Common Mistakes
Over-rotating or letting the hips sag can put undue strain on the lower back and reduce the effectiveness of the core workout. Another mistake is not maintaining a steady, controlled motion during the reach and rotation. It's essential to move with intent and control rather than rushing through the exercise.
Inhale as you prepare to reach and slightly rotate, exhale as you extend your arm out. Inhale again when returning the arm to the starting position and preparing for the rotation to the opposite side. Proper breathing can aid in maintaining stability and supplying oxygen to the working muscles.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles
Lower Body, Lower Back
Tertiary Muscles
Traps, Latissimus Dorsi, Front Shoulders, Rear Shoulders, Triceps