Leg Tuck Up
Rep Range
Time Based
Begin by lying down on a yoga mat or another comfortable surface. With your knees bent close to your chest, wrap your arms around your knees or shins, ensuring your toes are pointing upwards. Engage your core muscles for stability. Gently rock back and forth, using the momentum of your legs and the assistance of your arms to create the rocking movement. This movement should generate a gentle massage-like sensation for your back while stretching the glutes.
Common Mistakes
Avoid rocking with too much force or speed, as this can cause strain on the lower back or neck. Ensure your neck remains neutral throughout the movement, and it doesn't whip back and forth. Keep the movement controlled; don't let momentum take over.
Maintain a steady and relaxed breathing pattern throughout the movement. Inhale as you rock backward and exhale as you rock forward.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area