Lateral Raise Into Shoulder Press
One Side
Other Side
Rep Range
Hypertrophy/Strength : 8-12||Endurance/Hypertrophy : 12-16
Start by standing upright with feet hip-width apart for balance, holding a dumbbell in one hand. With your non-working hand resting on your hip or hanging by your side, begin the exercise with a lateral raise lift the dumbbell straight out to the side, maintaining a slight bend in the elbow, until it reaches or slightly exceeds shoulder height. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to your side. Following the lateral raise, transition into a shoulder press bend your elbow bringing the dumbbell towards your shoulder, with the palm facing forward. Extend your arm, pressing the dumbbell upwards until it's nearly fully extended overhead. Lower the dumbbell back to the starting position, and you're ready to repeat the sequence.
Common Mistakes
Ensure the movement remains controlled throughout, resisting the temptation to use momentum or to swing the dumbbell. Maintain a neutral wrist position, and avoid allowing it to bend excessively. It's crucial to keep the shoulder blades stabilized and prevent shrugging during both the raise and press.
Inhale during the lateral raise and exhale as you lower the dumbbell back to your side. Take another inhale as you prepare for the shoulder press and exhale as you press the dumbbell overhead. This compound movement effectively targets a range of shoulder muscles, offering a comprehensive workout for the deltoids and adding variety to your shoulder routine.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles
Traps, Serratus Anterior
Tertiary Muscles
Chest, Latissimus Dorsi