Kneeling Openers
Rep Range
Time Based
Start in a kneeling position with your knees directly under your hips. Stretch out your feet behind you with the tops of your toes on the ground. Place your hands firmly on the ground, roughly shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward. Keeping one hand anchored, as you inhale, rotate your torso and lift the opposite arm upwards towards the sky, following your hand with your gaze. Feel the stretch across your chest, upper back, and shoulder. As you exhale, slowly bring the lifted arm back down and return to your initial position. Repeat the motion on the other side, ensuring you keep the movement controlled and fluid.
Common Mistakes
Avoid collapsing into the supporting shoulder. Maintain engagement through your supporting arm and shoulder to keep your shoulder safe and stable. It's also essential to keep your hips squared and not let them shift or rotate as you lift and twist your upper body. This will ensure that the stretch targets the intended areas.
Inhale deeply as you begin to lift and rotate your arm, expanding and opening the chest. As you reach the peak of your stretch, briefly hold the breath, emphasizing the openness and stretch. Exhale smoothly as you lower your arm and return to the starting position, preparing to alternate to the other side. Use your breathing to guide the movement, enhancing relaxation and facilitating a deeper, more effective stretch.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Spinal, Chest, Shoulders, Serratus Anterior