Kneeling Calf Raise
One Side
Other Side
Rep Range
Start in a kneeling position. Place the dumbbell upright on the thigh of your working leg, holding it in place with one hand. The foot of your working leg should be flat and bent, while the non-working leg is bent backwards with the knee resting on the ground. Using the calf muscle of the working leg, push down through the ball of your foot to elevate the heel. Lower back down with control.
Common Mistakes
Allowing the dumbbell to shift or not holding it securely, which can cause imbalance. Using momentum instead of engaging the calf muscle for a controlled raise and lower. Not maintaining a neutral spine and steady posture.
Inhale as you prepare to lift the heel. Exhale as you push through the ball of your foot, raising the heel. Inhale as you slowly lower the heel back to the starting position.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Secondary Muscles
Hamstrings, Adductors, Traps, Lower Back, Latissimus Dorsi
Tertiary Muscles
Core, Calves