High Jumper
Rep Range
Time Based
Start with your feet shoulder width apart, pointing slightly outward. Ensure you maintain a slight bend in your knees with your torso leaning forward slightly while keeping the back straight. As you prepare for the jump, position your bent elbows with hands in front of you, which will aid in the upward movement. When executing the jump, power through the knees, extending them fully as you propel upwards. Use your arms to enhance the upward momentum, reaching high above your head. As you descend, prepare for the landing by landing softly and bending the knees and returning your torso to the forward position. This positioning not only aids in a smooth transition for repeated jumps but also ensures safety and efficacy of the exercise.
Common Mistakes
Not using the arms effectively can lead to reduced jump height and stability. Landing too hard or on the balls of the feet only can increase the risk of injury. Not maintaining a straight back can result in strain and incorrect form.
Inhale during the initial squatting motion. Exhale as you explosively jump, pushing the air out while reaching upward with your arms. Inhale again upon landing and returning to the squat position, preparing for the next jump. This synchronized breathing will support a rhythmic motion and ensure the muscles receive adequate oxygen.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Cardiovascular System
Secondary Focus Area
Lower Body, Core, Shoulders, Traps, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboids, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Teres Minor, Latissimus Dorsi, Lower Back, Erector Spinae
Tertiary Focus Area