Hands On Back Forward Lean
Rep Range
Time Based
Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart, maintaining a neutral spine. Place both hands on your lower back such that the tops of your palms rest against it. Your fingers should be pointing toward each other and overlapping. With your elbows pointing out to the sides, engage your core for stability. Initiate the stretch by gently pressing your palms into your back while simultaneously pulling your elbows back and squeezing your shoulder blades together. This will create a stretch across the chest and front of the shoulders. Hold this position momentarily, feeling the stretch, then gently release and return to the starting position. Repeat as desired.
Common Mistakes
Avoid shrugging or elevating the shoulders during the stretch; keep them relaxed and down. Ensure that you maintain a neutral spine without arching excessively. The stretch should be felt in the chest and shoulders, not in the lower back.
Inhale deeply as you set your hands in position. Exhale slowly as you press into the back and pull your elbows backward. Maintain rhythmic breathing, inhaling as you release the stretch and returning to the starting position, and exhaling as you engage in the stretch again.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Shoulders, Serratus Anterior