Hammer Curl Into Front Extension
Rep Range
Hypertrophy/Strength : 8-12||Endurance/Hypertrophy : 12-16
Assume a starting position with feet hip-width apart for a stable base and hold the dumbbells by your sides, palms facing inward. When initiating the hammer curl, it's vital to keep the elbows pinned to your torso, emphasizing isolation of the bicep muscles. As you reach the topmost position of the curl, rotate your wrists methodically so that your palms face the ground. Transitioning into the front extension, extend your arms straight in front of you. It's important to maintain the height of the dumbbells at shoulder level during this phase, ensuring that the shoulders and anterior deltoids are actively engaged. Remember to maintain a slight bend in your elbows to prevent straining. After fully extending the arms, bring the weights back towards you. Rotate your wrists back to the initial position, palms facing inward. As you reverse the hammer curl movement, maintain a steady pace, ensuring that the dumbbells move in a controlled manner, readying you for the next repetition.
Common Mistakes
Using momentum or swinging motions, especially during the front extension phase, can lead to imbalanced muscle engagement and may risk injury. Ensure that the dumbbells don't drop or sag during the front extension, as this can shift the work away from the intended muscles. When rotating your wrists, make sure it's a controlled motion, avoiding any jerky or sudden movements that might strain the wrist joints.
Inhale during the beginning phase of the hammer curl. Exhale as you rotate the wrists and extend your arms out front. Inhale once again as you retract the extended arms and rotate your wrists back to the initial position. Finally, exhale as you reverse the hammer curl motion. This breathing rhythm offers stability and ensures that muscles receive optimal oxygen throughout the exercise.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Biceps, Brachialis, Front Shoulders, Middle Shoulders
Secondary Muscles
Forearm, Upper Chest, Serratus Anterior
Tertiary Muscles
Rear Shoulders, Traps, Core