Front Lunge Into Upright Row
Rep Range
Begin in a standing position with feet close together, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides, palms facing inward. Step forward with one leg, descending into a front lunge. Ensure your front knee aligns with your ankle and doesn't extend beyond your toes. The back knee should come close to, but not touch, the ground. Push through your front heel to return to a standing position. Now, step forward with your other leg into another front lunge, executing it with the same form. As you come back to standing after the second lunge, bring the dumbbells together so they're touching, with palms facing you. Transition into the upright row by raising the dumbbells close to your body, leading with your elbows. The elbows should reach shoulder height or slightly above. After the upright row peak, lower the dumbbells back to your sides in a controlled manner, preparing for the next set of lunges.
Common Mistakes
Avoid letting the front knee move past the toes during the lunge to prevent undue strain on the knee joint. Ensure a straight back and avoid rounding the shoulders during the upright row. Also, avoid using excessive momentum or jerking the weights during the upright row.
Inhale as you step into each front lunge. Exhale as you push back to standing from the lunge. After the second lunge, inhale while preparing for the upright row. Exhale as you execute the upright row. Inhale again as you lower the dumbbells, preparing for the next repetition.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Traps, Rhomboids, Middle Shoulders
Secondary Muscles
Adductors, Front Shoulders, Rear Shoulders, Teres Minor, Infraspinatus, Biceps
Tertiary Muscles
Core, Calves, Teres Major