Cross Body Glute Pull
Rep Range
Time Based
Start by lying down on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your right leg and cross it over your left, placing your right ankle just above your left knee. With both hands, grasp your right knee, gently pulling it towards your chest. This action will provide a deep stretch in the right glute and outer hip area. After holding the stretch for a comfortable duration, switch to the other side.
Common Mistakes
Ensure that you're not applying too much pressure or pulling aggressively, as it can cause discomfort or strain. It's crucial to maintain a relaxed upper body, keeping your head and shoulders on the ground.
Inhale deeply as you set up the stretch, and exhale as you gently pull the knee towards you. Continue with rhythmic and calm breathing throughout the stretch, using the exhales to help relax deeper into it.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Glutes, Hip Flexors