Concentrated Side Raises
One Side
Other Side
Rep Range
Hypertrophy/Strength : 8-12||Endurance/Hypertrophy : 12-16
Sit on the ground with a dumbbell in one hand. Rest the elbow of the working arm on the same-side knee, bent nearly 90 degrees. Place the hand of your non-working arm on the floor behind you for support. Using only your shoulder muscles, lift the dumbbell laterally.
Common Mistakes
Avoid using your body or back for momentum. Ensure the movement is strictly isolated to the shoulder muscles.
Inhale when lowering the dumbbell; exhale as you raise it to the side.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Middle Shoulders
Secondary Muscles
Front Shoulders, Traps, Serratus Anterior
Tertiary Muscles
Rear Shoulders, Latissimus Dorsi