Close Negative Into Wide Fly
Rep Range
Start with dumbbells touching over your chest, palms facing each other. Lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner for the negative portion. Open your arms wide into a fly motion, bringing the dumbbells together at the end of the fly. Use this position to perform the next chest press.
Common Mistakes
Relying on momentum during the negative portion. Not engaging the chest muscles effectively during the fly motion.
Exhale as you lower the dumbbells and open your arms wide; inhale as you bring the dumbbells together for the next chest press.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Middle Chest, Triceps
Secondary Muscles
Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Shoulders, Serratus Anterior
Tertiary Muscles
Traps, Levator Scapulae, Rhomboids, Infraspinatus, Teres Major, Teres Minor, Latissimus Dorsi, Lower Back, Erector Spinae, Biceps