Chest Fly & Pull Over
Rep Range
Begin lying flat on the floor with dumbbells touching directly above your chest, palms facing forward. Initiate the chest fly by rotating your wrists and simultaneously opening your arms out to the sides. Descend until the dumbbells are just above the ground, ensuring a controlled movement. Bring the dumbbells back to the starting position, ensuring they remain touching. Next, transition into the pull over. Keeping the dumbbells touching and arms relatively straight, lower them overhead until they are just above the ground. Again, in a controlled manner, return the dumbbells to the starting position above your chest. Repeat this sequence for the desired number of repetitions, maintaining control throughout.
Common Mistakes
Letting the back arch can lead to strain. Ensure your back and lower back remain firmly pressed against the floor throughout both movements to provide stability. Avoid using momentum; instead, focus on the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and lats to control the movement. Ensure you maintain continuous tension by controlling the motion, especially at the end ranges.
Inhale when you open the arms for the chest fly and as you lower the dumbbells behind your head for the pull over. Exhale when you close the arms for the chest fly and as you bring the dumbbells back to the starting position from the pull over.
Muscle Focus
Primary Muscles
Middle Chest, Latissimus Dorsi
Secondary Muscles
Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Core, Serratus Anterior, Rhomboids, Teres Major, Teres Minor, Infraspinatus, Traps