Back Slaps
Rep Range
Time Based
Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and shoulders relaxed. Begin by extending both arms out in front of you at about chest height, one arm layered over the other. Without actually making contact, start swinging both arms out to the side and then back to the center, alternating the top arm each time they cross in front of you. As you swing the arms outward, aim to stretch them as far back as your flexibility allows, feeling an opening in the chest and shoulders. The movement should be smooth and controlled, allowing for a rhythmic back and forth motion.
Common Mistakes
Avoid swinging the arms with excessive force or speed. Rapid or forceful movement can result in strain or injury. Also, ensure that the spine remains neutral, and avoid any unnecessary twisting or bending at the waist.
Inhale as you swing your arms outward, opening up the chest. Exhale as you bring them back in front of you, crossing one over the other. Maintain steady and deep breaths throughout the exercise to promote relaxation and enhance the effectiveness of the stretch.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area
Chest, Shoulders, Rhomboids, Traps, Erector Spinae, Teres Major, Teres Minor, Infraspinatus, Serratus Anterior