Alternating Knee Tucks
Rep Range
Time Based
Begin standing upright with your feet close together. Keeping your back straight and core engaged, lift one knee towards your chest. Use both hands to grasp the lifted knee, pulling it gently and slightly closer to your chest in a controlled manner, ensuring not to strain or force the motion. Hold briefly, then release the knee and lower the leg back to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg. Continue to alternate sides, ensuring you maintain a tall posture throughout.
Common Mistakes
Avoid leaning back or hunching forward when lifting the knee; this can put unnecessary strain on the back. Ensure the movement is driven by the hip flexors and not just momentum. It's essential not to pull the knee too forcefully, which could cause strain or injury.
Inhale as you lift the knee towards the chest. Hold your breath briefly as you gently pull the knee closer with your hands. Exhale as you release the knee and switch to the other side. Breathing rhythmically can assist in maintaining balance and core stability during the movement.
Muscle Focus
Primary Focus Area